Essential Spa Studio
Sugaring Hair Removal
Ideal for everyone including pregnancy
Sugaring is an ancient deep cleansing ritual is thousands of years old. The health benefits are well documented; Sugaring detoxifies your oil glands, exfoliates the top micro layers of dead skin, and removes hair from the base of the follicle. The results are smooth, fresh, hairless, glowing skin.
Sugaring creates a clean slate free from vellus (“peach fuzz”), and terminal hair (tough “whiskers”). Advanced sugaring, done correctly, is gentle in removing debris and is one of the “first step” exfoliations in our advanced anti-aging facials.
Sugaring’s exfoliating properties lighten underarm skin that has been hyperpigmented from years of shaving, while cleansing the sebaceous glands and removing bacteria that causes body odor. Sugaring is safe and effective in gently exfoliating and refreshing tattooed skin.
Regular sugaring assists with product absorption. Studies have shown incredible benefits of sugaring in eczema reduction, folliculitis, and other dry skin issues.
All natural, no chemicals, just honey, lemon juice, and water caramelized into a working paste. Water soluble, it melts off with warm water. Natural, gentle, and safe for all skin types.
At Essential Spa we sugar authentically. Sugar pots are never contaminated with double dipping. One hand, sterile glove, and fresh sugar every time.
If you have been sugared with “honey wax” and fabric removal strips you’re not being sugared.

Judgment-Free Zone: Client-Centric Sugaring Practice
Steffanie has been sugaring for over 12 years of her 15+ years in the industry. She is a body positive practitioner that will respect your comfort zone when deciding on your sugaring services. Your safety and comfort are the most important aspect of your sugaring experience with her. Rest assured, Steffanie is a women centered, women’s health practitioner who is not ever going to judge her clientele. In fact she is know for her ability to help her clients be at ease for any and all their sugaring services.

Exfoliate the area you are having sugared. There are several ways this can be done. If you have a bathtub, Epsom salt baths are ideal. Ratio of salt to warm-hot water (based on water to your belly button, from sitting in your tub), should be two heaping cups of Epsom Salt. If you prefer a full bath up to your chest, use up to 4 heaping cups of Epsom salt. Soak for 20-30 minutes. This helps break down the micro layers of dead skin that will inhibit the release of the hair shaft and root ball. Epsom salt baths are also ideal between sugaring appointments to keep the dead layer of skin from trapping new hair regrowth.
If you do not have a bathtub, a micro-exfoliating cleanser that contains Alpha Hydroxy acids used in the shower with a washcloth or natural bristle brush will help keep the new hair from becoming trapped under the top layer of dead skin. At Essential Spa we have several versions of exfoliator’s that can help. Be sure to discuss any ingrown concerns you have experienced in the past and we will work with you to keep this from happening.
Pricing is dependent on the condition of your skin and density of your hair follicles. Over time, consistent sugaring and home care between sugaring will decrease the time it takes for your service. Pricing is based on how long it takes to complete your service.
FULL FACE $50 - $100
EYEBROWS $15 - $45
NOSE $15 - $25
LIP $7 - $20
CHIN $10 - $25
EARS (both total) $15 - $25
DECOLOTÉ $35 - $45
CHEST $45 - $60
NECK $25 - $45
UNDER ARMS $22 - $50
FULL ARMS $100 - $120
HALF ARMS $45 - $55
HANDS $20 - $40
BACK $65 - $120
STOMACH $25 - $85
BRAZILIAN $45 - $85
LEGS – FULL $100 - $130
LEGS – PARTIAL $45 - $65
SMALL area $25 - $45
LARGE area $45 - $70
Our Studio

Your Sugaring Questions Answered
What is the difference between SUGARING and WAXING?
Sugaring is a natural paste made of honey, lemon juice and water. Sugar paste is warmed to make it pliable; it is never hot enough to burn your skin. Sugar can be removed with warm water.
Hair removal wax is made with either a Pine Resin, aka Natural wax or Polycyclopentadiene Hydrogenate, synthetic resin derived from fossil fuels. At room temperature wax is hard. For wax to be pliable is must be heated to a melting point of 55 ° C to 115 ° C, which is 131 – 239 Fahrenheit for it to spread. Wax can burn the skin on contact, causing what is called “Lifting”, this is when not only the top dead micro layer is removed but also the live skin cells. This will cause the skin to “weep” as it works to flush out potential bacteria and heal. If you suffer from hyperpigmentation or melasma, waxed lifted skin will cause post inflammatory hyperpigmentation that is very difficult to get rid of.
Waxing is laid down in the direction of the hair growth and pulled backwards to disconnect it from the hair shaft. This method can result in broken hair at the top of the skin, without complete extraction. Left over broken hair can cause ingrown hair and from this you can have a domino of bumpy, infected follicles. Hot wax and practitioner technique can make or break your hair removal service. Hot wax is very strong and once applied it has to be removed manually. Done incorrectly, wax can cause damage to your skin that is very difficult to correct, and it takes time to recover and hopefully repair completely.
Sugaring paste is applied to the skin and hair follicle in the opposite direction of the hair growth. This feels like your hair is being pulled backwards which it is, but done correctly it is minimally uncomfortable, and medicinally superior. Done correctly with a seasoned certified practitioner, Sugaring will remover the entire hair shaft and root ball as well as exfoliates your skin leaving it smooth. Over time this repeated sugaring hair removal reduces hair regrowth.
How long does my sugaring appointment take?
Initial sugaring appointments may take longer depending on your hair density (multiple hair in one follicle, strong hair genetics), and your prior mode of hair removal, (shaving, waxing, laser, electrolysis).
For the best sugaring experience, please prep your skin by following our HOW TO PREP AND BETWEEN SUGARING APPOINTMENTS
Is sugaring hair removal safe?
Yes, because it is all natural and water soluble, sugar paste can be wiped off the skin with warm water if there is any issue with the client’s comfort. It is so safe it is edible, just honey, lemon juice and water. When RESIN is applied to the skin it must be ripped off, it is not water soluble. To remove it requires a solvent that can irritate the skin.
Does sugaring help with skin exfoliation?
Yes, Sugaring paste is an ideal, safe, natural exfoliator. It is so safe that we use it in many of our custom facials as a first exfoliating step to prep your skin for more invasive anti-aging procedures.
Is sugaring hair removal permanent?
Overtime, continued sugaring can deplete the hair follicle and the hair shaft having been emptied over and over again of any hair, will shrink and reduce in size, closing the hair shaft. If you stay consistent with your sugaring, hair regrowth is minimal and sugaring appointments are spread out farther apart with very little regrowth overtime, with hair shafts shrinking and lacking follicle regrowth.
Will sugaring irritate my skin or make it red?
With any skin procedure you want to make sure you’re working with a practitioner that knows what they’re doing. A complete skin consultation is key. Sugaring is very gentle and safe. All sugaring clients are cleared for a safe experience prior to your services being done.
How long before I can visit you again for sugaring hair removal?
In general, sugaring appointments are about 4 weeks apart for your first couple of sessions. As your hair regrowth slows down, we will spread your appointments further apart. You can expect your hair to start thinning more noticeably after your third sugaring appointment.
Can I be sugared when I am pregnant?
Yes, in fact I work with many LDR nurses and pre and post-natal providers who believe the safest way to remove hair prior to giving birth is with traditional Sugaring hair removal. Other methods of hair removal run the risk of injury to the skin with lifting and trauma. When prepping for delivery many of my clients do not want the irritation of being shaved. Sugaring allows you to feel cleaned up and ready for the birth process. I have clients who have waited until they cannot “see down there” anymore and who have sugared at 8 months pregnant. Whether you’re sugaring prior to pregnancy or prepping for the birth process, Sugaring is the ideal safe hair removal option.